Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh Boy......Here comes the hate......

I'll be right back........I'll tell you what......I'm back mofo! I want to talk about a group people in society that I really, really, really, really hate. Can you guess? No. Well I'll give some clues. It's not a race or class nor those that can't change who they are or anything like that. It's not people who are sick or otherwise unable to help themselves, that would be bad. It's not political or religious either. Can you guess now, hummmmmmm? There you go. I new you could get. It's those mother fucking, god damn, good for nothing, worthless wiggers!!!!!! I mean what the fuck punk ass white trash POS wakes up one day and decides says, "Hey, I know what would be a good idea I'll pretend to talk like I come from african-american ghetto and act like an asshole 24/7. That'll get me the attention that daddy never gave me in the shower or any other time that I was ready to be molested. Yeah, that would be great!" This group of retard (known as experimental group 1 [EX-1] from this point forth) needs to be eliminated and pronto. I suggest a combination of Abu Ghrab and the nazi death camps of WWII would do it. They can build the prisons and set up the smoke stacks while getting their asses beat and tortured. Sounds good, right? I thought so.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This rant didn't go the way I wanted it to but.....

I'll tell you what......I fucking hate humans. I mean all of them. Not just blacks or jews but all of them. I sometimes pray that aliens or something would come down to this planet and just destroy 75% of the earth's population. I just think of all of the things I wouldn't have to deal with like traffic, walmart, walmart employees, money, television, anything that comes out of Pittsburgh, anyway you get my point. Of course since this is my fucking fantasy I, of course, would be alive and a pillar of health.

So I ask anyone who maybe reading this, what would be the first thing you would do if you survived a massive human die-off, hummmm????? The few of the guys in my office said that they would situate their sweaty, slimy love sticks in the underside of the first domesticated form of wildlife they saw. Hey, to each his (or her-that's right women fuck horses and shit, I know, I've seen it on the computer) own right. Actually, no, it's wrong. I mean really wrong. Now when it comes to me I would just find the other 25% of mankind and finish the job. Anyway, enough of this happy shit. I'm sick of being so god damn happy.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Let me tell you about Thanksgiving.....

Its that time of year again when we get together with family members that we don't really like, to chow down some gruel and slop thrown together by an overweight grandmother with a prominent hairlip. To hang out with Uncle Teddy while he gets plastered on some quality rutgut and fondles your grandmothers cat. So on that note, I provide you with the following link to make your family squabbles and fucked up childhood to seem minor in comparison to how great the world can actually be. Enjoy.......

-- Tasteful Thanksgiving Video --

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Let me tell you about driving.......

I was driving down the interstate the other day and had to sit in traffic 4 fucking hours because some asshole had the nerve to get smashed by a semi.
For the love of god, if you are going to fuck up my day by holding up traffic, at least have the common decency to die.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's official!!! I'm on the World Wide Web baby!!!